Mon 15 May 2017
Client: Human Tissue Authority
Programme: Root Cause Analysis
(Delivered in London, UK, 2017)
The client
HTA is a regulator set up in 2005, created by Parliament as an executive agency of the Department of Health. HTA regulates organisations that remove, store and use human tissue, ensuring that human tissue and organs are used safely and ethically, and with proper consent.
The problem
Dods Training has delivered a wide range of courses for HTA previously, we were asked to produce a one day bespoke course for the HTA on Root Cause Analysis and risk management.
Our actions
We understood that this course needed to be tailored appropriately for the delegates attending, by firstly assessing what their current understanding of risk management was and what they wanted to gain from the training. We therefore conducted a phone call between the client and expert trainer to discuss these specifics. We also agreed that it would be best to use a complex and live issue for the training to be based around to get maximum value for the client.
The morning started with the trainer laying the foundations for structured problem solving to ensure that all participants where familiar with the process before going into more detail. The expert trainer shared their top tips when identifying root cause analysis and encouraged the participants to express what they deemed were their top tips. The trainer went on to discuss the fundamentals and the risk register: Identifying, tracking, managing and recording risk before the participants could practice risk management procedures.
Something that is very important in risk analysis is identifying that worst case scenarios can occur, even with the most thoughtful processes in place. The trainer shared some worst-case scenarios with the delegates and how to handle it if these occur. This indicated to the delegates the importance of preparation and telling the truth.
Before the training ended, the delegates created an action plan for the participants that they could take back with them to the workplace.
This course was highly successful with all the participants meeting their training objectives. Having something to take back to the workplace to embed the training proved successful.
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