Persuading and Influencing at Work 101

Wed 07 Apr 2021

Persuading and Influencing at Work 101

How many times over the last week have you wanted to influence people, policy or processes? I suspect the answer is at least once. Of those, how many times did you achieve your desired outcome?

I would love to think your answer was; ‘every time’ but I suspect (if I may be so bold) that it was probably less than you would have liked, otherwise this webinar may not have piqued your interest. 

Our associate, Amanda Tooth has highlighted the importance of persuading and influencing at work. Have a read of her article to find out more:
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On April 27th 11:00 am GMT, Amanda will be hosting a Webinar on Persuasion and Influencing Skills. She will explore the five most common myths: Myth 1: Persuasion involves manipulation and coercion
Myth 2: Influencing is something you do ‘to’ or ‘on’ somebody
Myth 3: Influencing is a rational process
Myth 4: Effective influencers prepare their strategy based on their desired outcome
Myth 5: Effective influencing requires a good ‘poker-face’
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